Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

DEAR 2013,

You have not been the easiest year of my life, but you have been life-changing. We shed all our tears this year, and somehow managed to still find more to fill our eyes. We learned more about ourselves and more about Christ than we ever have.

We entered year number 2 of infertility. After tests at the start of the year we discovered that my body rarely, if ever, ovulated on its own and my progesterone levels were too low to sustain a pregnancy. We tried Clomid, and quickly said, "NO MORE!" We took the summer off to forget about trying to get pregnant and just have fun!

We flew to CA just in time for our first nephew, Nixon Gregory Garrett, to be born on May 10. He weighed in at a perfectly chubby 9 lbs 15 oz. It was one the of the most magical days 2013 gave us. I will never forget that moment when my mom put him in my arms for the first time. I was absolutely overcome as I stared into the eyes of the newest love of my life. He was beautiful and the complete definition of perfection. He is the best thing that has happened to our family and we thanked the Lord for blessing us all with such a precious gift. He was the perfect Mother's Day gift for his Grandma, as well as having both of her children on Mom Day for the first time in 8 years!

We enjoyed a fabulously relaxing weekend in Bear Lake with the Kings. We rode bikes, soaked up the sun, built sandcastles, and forgot about all our stresses and cares. It was fantastic! 

We went to Moab with our awesome friends Darren and Larynn. It was a first for Tyler and I, and it was an absolute blast!!! Tyler got to take the Jeep up Poison Spider, we went hiking, ate at Milt's (DELISH!), and floated down the river like 5 times.

Throughout the summer we had to say goodbye to families that moved far away, and we didn't love it. My Aunt Lesley's family moved to AZ where my uncle Isaac will work on his Doctorate at ASU. My Aunt Kelly's family moved to Georgia where my uncle Curtis will work on getting in to Dental school. These were very hard goodbyes! But we wished them the best and looked forward to holidays and visits.

We also had to say goodbye to our best friend Brett. He moved to Flagstaff, AZ to work on a Masters in Psychology. We through him a "Hipster" going away party, which he loved/hated. 

After Summer ended, we found the RCC and continued fertility treatments. Dr. Swelstad helped us understand much more of what was going on in my body and what we could do to fix it. 

In October two absolutely amazing things happened!
First, the Kings took us to St.George for a fun weekend away, which included seeing Mary Poppins, the musical at Tuacahn. Brittany cried... a lot! And thought it was the most magical thing she had ever seen! 

We also saw Thriller at Tuacahn, which was also AWESOME

And the second Amazing thing that happened in October was that the Boston Red Sox won the World Series! 
There was much celebrating in the King house! 

We spent the holidays with our families and enjoyed every minute of it. We had a wonderful and trying year full of blessings and growth. 

Happy New Year! Love, the Kings

May your 2014 be wonderful!

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